After I emailed the answer (OSK Project) about 5 a.m in the morning with Amir , I get this email around 10 a.m by my OSK (Organisasi Senibina dan Struktur Komputer) lecturer Pn Haniza Nahar .
She reply my email and leads to another hyperlink which is in eftmk portal (where all UTeM students taking their notes online as well participate in forum / chat and send assignments).
And wallaweyh !!!!!!!!!!!!
# — Copy from the Portal –#
Projek DITS 1133
Contoh aturcara yang baik
Cadangan / komen:
– Aturcara dibawah masih boleh diperbaiki dengan mengambilkira operasi penolakan nombor kecil kepada nombor besar. Cth: 2-4 = -2. Dimana simbol negatif dipaparkan dan nilai 2 dikeluarkan setelah di toggle semula nilai akhir pengiraan menggunakan kod operasi NEG.
– Aturcara tersebut juga boleh diperkembangkan lagi untuk hasil akhir pengiraan yang melibatkan lebih dari satu digit. Cth: 3 x 6 = 18. Dimana melibatkan 2 lokasi paparan 7 segmen.
; This is the first program to run on IDE68K
; Author: Hassan Abu Bakar(Team Leader)
; Arif Affendi Che Hamid (Team Members)
; Noraqma Hidayah Ab Rahman (Team Members)
; Khairunnisa Kamaruddin (Team Members)
org $4000 ; start of program (>= $4000)
lea text1,A0 ; get address of text string in A0
trap #15
dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)
lea text2,A0 ; get address of text string in A0
trap #15
dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)
trap #15
dc.w 6 ; get decimal value from I/O window
move D0,D1
lea text3,A0 ; get address of text string in A0
trap #15
dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)
trap #15
dc.w 6 ; get decimal value from I/O window
move D0,D2
move D2,D3 ; copy value in D2 to D3
move D2,D4 ; copy value in D2 to D4
move D2,D5 ; copy value in D2 to D5
add D1,D3 ; add value in D1 and D3
sub D1,D4 ; sub value in D1 and D4
muls D1,D5 ; multiple value in D1 and D5
MOVE.L #$3F065B4F,$5000 ; move values 0-3 into memory location start with location 5000
MOVE.L #$666D7D07,$5004 ; move values 4-7 into memory location start with location 5004
MOVE.W #$7F6F,$5008 ; move values 8&9 into memory location start with location 5008
MOVE #$5001,A0 ; store value 5001 in A0
label MOVE.B (A0)+,D6
sub #$1,D3
BNE label
MOVE.B D6,$E017
lea text4,A0 ; get address of text string in A0
trap #15
dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)
MOVE #$5001,A0
label2 MOVE.B (A0)+,D6
sub #$1,D4
BNE label2
MOVE.B D6,$E017
lea text5,A0 ; get address of text string in A0
trap #15
dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)
MOVE #$5001,A0
label3 MOVE.B (A0)+,D6
sub #$1,D5
BNE label3
MOVE.B D6,$E017
lea text6,A0 ; get address of text string in A0
trap #15
dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)
; string to print, string ends with NULL
text1 dc.b ‘Please input two numbers :’,$0A,$0D,0
text2 dc.b ‘Input 1 :’,$0A,$0D,0
text3 dc.b ‘Input 2 :’,$0A,$0D,0
text4 dc.b ‘Hasil tambah 2 nilai adalah:’,$0A,$0D,0
text5 dc.b ‘Hasil tolak 2 nilai adalah:’,$0A,$0D,0
text6 dc.b ‘Hasil darab 2 nilai adalah:’,$0A,$0D,0
TAHNIAH.. cubaan aturacara yang baik!!!
Pn Haniza
# — End Copy –#
Wahaha .. bangga SIOT ..
ni yg bler nyer??the cod3 ker??
nope .. ini kan project mase subject OSK .. kan ko ngan bulat yang buat benda alah nie
wow! tahniah2 (even den tak faham)
aku br terbaca hr ni..
dh lame seyh..