What can I say ?
You are so cool firefox
what did I noticed with the beta 3 version
low ram usage .. yes !! i open more than 15 tabs and the memory is still below 100 , 000 .. normally if i use firefox 2 .. ram usage wll be more to 250 , 000 if i open 10 tabs ..
I guess i need to manage my tabs usage .. xder second monitor
I use portable version .. meaning I still want to keep my firefox 2 .. so I just run beta 3 using portable apps . kinda neat . I dont want to screw up my firefox 2 . lots of plugins that I want to use especially for my web programming / designing task
the theme is changed .. the back arrow is larger than the forward arrow
the bookmark ?
I have problem with it . actually .. I cant seem to import my bookmark since they introduce the so-call smart bookmark .. demn .. and
lots of plugins is incompatible with this release .. anyway . they have done a great job . cant wait for stable release
yea… firefox is the most best of internet browser.. i will support firefox forever because the good browser and otherwise there are so many usefull plugin to use 🙂 thumb for firefox
more power to firefox! ie have no place in my personal machine!
hurm.. really want it to be full version.. FF-2 got lot probs with memory.. adoih.
i br install firefox 3 beta 3 smlm..
hehehe… 😛
yurp!!! i agree..firefox are the best!!!!!=)