Finally , the moment that I’ve been waiting for !!!
Barcamp Malaysia / KL will be on 4th and 5th April 2009 at Inti College Subang Jaya.
Barcamp Rocks !!!
Inti College Subang Jaya : Wikimapia map | Google Map
Finally , the moment that I’ve been waiting for !!!
Barcamp Malaysia / KL will be on 4th and 5th April 2009 at Inti College Subang Jaya.
Barcamp Rocks !!!
Inti College Subang Jaya : Wikimapia map | Google Map
best sgt ke BarCamp bro? Aku takut aku pergi aku plak bosan
NoktahHitam´s last blog post..Utusan Does It Again, Twist-Twist-Twist
gasp eddie! what a remark hehehee
Im not really sociable.
Cam best je. Tapi kalau tade public transport ke sana, tak dapat la aku nak gi..
ade train to subang jaya.
from there, bleh toink2 dgn mmbr2 yg pergi.
aisyahkama´s last blog post..Fast Update
Jom MK. At least aku tade la bosan sgt bile tau ade gang.
NoktahHitam´s last blog post..Supply and Demand
nak ikot?
AK, kamu pegi wakil saya ok. Jauh, x dpt pegi plak.
abdusfauzi´s last blog post..Google Blog Converter 1.0 Launched
ganti you? oh, bleh je.
odin, i dgn miok insyaallah pergi.
but, we dont noe the place.
u bawak kereta, i toink2 minyak.
aisyahkama´s last blog post..Fast Update
nak itot..