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I love the UI . Muahaha .
Enjoy the picture below . Team 12 Java Stream.

Team 12 Java StreamCrystal - Botak - oDiN - Ah moi Chantek
Just to announce this blog is powered by wordpress version 2.7
I love the UI . Muahaha .
Enjoy the picture below . Team 12 Java Stream.
Team 12 Java StreamCrystal - Botak - oDiN - Ah moi Chantek
It’s going to be released soon . At least sooner that iphreak .
Check out this video . From the developer himself .
Take that iphone !
Me (UTeM) , Syia (MMU Melaka) and Tekong (Flavert Media Lab ) had our breakfast at McD Ayer Keroh (near to Zoo Melaka) around 4:30 AM . We decide to go early since JB is quite packed and jam in the morning .
Met Amran ( the owner of AIST and Zen Pipe ) and Sumardi (Software Machine Development) at the rest area when performing subuh prayer .
We are the one who arrive earlier than everyone else (except for the Barcamp Comittee) and we had our time looking around at MSC Cyberport. The place is damn nice and quite huge !
My first session that I attended is about How to make money in e-bay . Again i’m quite shy with the people there since I had a so called ” language barrier ” since I cant speak english very well and yeah I am a shy person but not when I see cute girls . 😛
One of the session that I always love is lightning talk since I can get so much input where else other session only have one topic for one hour but for lightning talk you can get like more than 10 topics since the talk supposely should not be more than 5 minutes .
Heres the video the lightning talks at youtube .
Lightning talks – Barcamp JB 1 out of 6
Lightning talks – Barcamp JB 2 out of 6
Lightning talks – Barcamp JB 3 out of 6
Lightning talks – Barcamp JB 4 out of 6
Lightning talks – Barcamp JB 5 out of 6
Lightning talks – Barcamp JB 6 out of 6
Barcamp JB is one of the most exciting event that I attend this year and I am looking forward to Barcamp KL next year . And please consider to do it at Malacca . 🙂
Sadly me , Tekong and Syia had to go back today to Malacca . Hopefully day 2 is going to be damn cool than the first day .
Lastly ..
I’m going to Barcamp JB . Insya allah .
BarCampJB is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees.
While there are no restrictions on the sessions at BarCampJB, the event focus on entrepreneurship and ICT in general. There will be free WiFi, catered meals, interesting and inspiring session, and great networking opportunities.
Participation is key !
Date | 6th- 7th December 2008 | |
Time | 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. | |
Location | Menara MSC Cyberport (formerly Menara Sarawak) Level 29, No.5, Jalan Bukit Meldrum 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor |
Cost | Always free! | |
Estimated Attendance | 150-200 (must cap at 300) |
My other post about Barcamp Malaysia
Selepas habis kelas Java Stream pada hari jumaat , aku terus membalas dendam kesumat waktu tidurku. Tidur .. dan bangun pukul 9 .. makan kt naiman dan tidur semula . Pukul 3 pagi aku bertolak ke klang dan sampai pukul 5 pagi .
Aku merempit bagai nak mati akibat kesejukan pada waktu pagi yang melampau . Lagi cepat sampai ke rumah lagi bagus sebab jacket ku tak dapat menghalang kesejukan di waktu pagi ditambah dengan angin yang aku harungi selaju RM130 KM/H . ( Meter motor Yamaha LC tipu .. )
Sampai jer kat rumah kelihatan adik ku hussein yang masih belum tidur . Sibuk dengan PSP dan PS2 nya . Terus aku bukak laptop dan membuat apa – apa yang patut seperti mencuci mata melihat gambar gadis comel di social site .
Pukul 6 bertolak ke KLIA untuk menghantar kedua orang tua ku kerana mereka akan pergi ke Medan . Bukan medan pertempuran tapi Medan di Indonesia bersama dengan ayah bonda Ammar untuk berjalan – jalan membuang duit + shopping dan berjumpa dengan Pak Long ku di sana . Sebelum bertolak aku campak sumer baju kotor ku di washing machine . Dengan harapan aku akan sidai bila balik nanti .
Bila nak balik rumah dari KLIA .. terjumpa kemalangan kecil melibatkan motosikal . Sempat jugak lah daku snap gambar sambil drive .
Sesampai jer kat rumah aku terus nak sidai baju sebab aku nak balas dendam nak tido sebab muka dah sangap . Masa aku angkat sumer baju dari washing machine , i noticed sumer baju hitam aku jadik kaler hijau . WTF ?
Malangnya nasib ku . There goes my free lunch for 20 days .
p/s : Thanks to Chang sebab offer coupon baru .. huhu ..