Rant #1 – Cyber Cafe lembab


Akibat connection streamyx di rumah yang terlalu laju bagaikan kilat halilintar menyembah bumi (ada unsur hiperbola disini ) .. aku terpaksa pergi ke Cyber Cafe untuk send gambar Foss ke Bro Tekong .

Ada satu CC baru bukak .. tengah offer seringgit sejam .. sadly no internet .. so aku pon carik la CC lain . Ada satu CC yang dekat ngan 7 E nie .. ( Saper student UTeM yang duduk pangsapuri .. tau la kot CC mane yang aku cakap )

Monitor 22 inch .. x cukup buat aku impress sebab xder privasi .. dan ramai yang leyh tengok ape aku buat nanti .. xpe .. aku x kesa sangat .. Mase aku gune pc tuh .. avg problem .. detect virus tapi x leyh nak cure .. aku try delete . xleyh gak . so aku close jerk .. abaikan .

Try update tapi dah latest . xpe .. bukan aku pembawak virus .. so aku x kesa lagik ..

Launch firefox .. dergh . corrupted ..

Waktu untuk install chrome .. launch IE7 .. download chrome .. closing IE7 and launch chrome ..

LAG mcm hantu .. aku tau chrome agak berat bile dh byk tab dibukak .. sebab tyme tuh dalam 6 tab ..

Lepas dah send email apa yang patut .. aku just doing a favor utk CC tuh .. buat aper yg patut .. time to replace firefox ..

Download firefox .. reinstall .. nak launch sekali dgn chrome xbleyh pasal berat sangat ..

ok . fine . terpaksa tutup chrome .. baru bukak dua tab .. slow jugak ..

mmg agak kepanasan la dok CC situ ..

sebelum aku terima kekalahan aku akibat tidak dpt berbakti secara percuma kepada CC tersebut .. aku check la spec pc tuh .. 1.8 GHz .. and 512 RAM ..

Bangang .. patut pon slow nak mampus ..

I give up ..

Kos kehancuran ? RM2.00 dan buang masa selama sejam

Experience ? Priceless ..

Dengan ini saya berjanji jika saya membuka bisnes cyber cafe saya akan memastikan internet saya lebih laju dari slowmyx dan mempunyai RAM sekurang – sekurangnya 2 GIG .. sekian ..

p/s : jika tokey kedai tersebut masih lagi tidak sedar betapa sucks nyer servis mereka .. i don’t know where they might end up 2-3 years akan datang .. heh ..

Foss Malaysia 2008 Report


It’s just a small entry about FOSS Malaysia . 

Arrive around 9 AM at APIIT and yerp . this is my first time going inside to TPM (Teknologi Park Malaysia). Thanks to Sumardi for the direction via twitter . Waiting for Tekong with his Anubis . Most of the people that I saw in Barcamp Malaysia was there too . 

I’m actually just finished from my Active Directory papers so quite tired to type . But all I can say this event is very awesome . Thanks to the organisers , the comittee to make it happen . I bought Ubuntu T-shirt on the second day. There I can find side session for Ubuntu and Fedora lovers . 

They will help people to install linux on their machine as well as teach / guide them on how to use linux etc.

Arrive at Klang around 7:30 PM and going back to Malacca around 9 and I only had 3-4 hours sleep and the rest is for time to prepare my exam.

Pictures time !

The World is just Awesome !

The World is just Awesome !




Closing Keynotes - Makkal Sakhti - People's Power - By Jaya Kumar

Closing Keynotes - Makkal Sakhti - People Power


Me before going home

Me before going home

Me with Pamela Fox - Google Map API Team

Me with Pamela Fox - Google Map API Team

She loves to dye her hair .. Woot Woot ! 😛


p/s : I want a geek / IT savvy girlfriend .. anyone ?

Perangai Buruk oDiN


Apakah perangai buruk anda ?

Mine ?

2005 . SPM

Lagi 3 hari nak SPM tapi aku pergi baca e-book PHP for dummies dengan CSS . Tiada kaitan dengan apa yang ingin ditanya pada SPM . Lagipun subjek IT dah pun aku amek 2 bulan lepas . Itupun VB . 

2008 . Exam Sem 5

I did it again . I read Java book .. do some lab exercises (got from En Sanusi + UTM friends ) as well as reading some tips and tricks for Java .It’s all about Java. The best thing that I want to tell you guys is that UTeM syllabus for diploma in IT programme is that JAVA is a subject that you will learn on your last semester . And it does not have anything to do with this sem . Woooot !

p/s : I do give a damn about my cgpa .. but I dont think cgpa is important enough to make me eager to learn something . Well .. passion do !

p/s 2 : If any of my lecturer for this sem read this . sorry .. you guys have to deal with someone that is so persistent and really loves programming so much .

p/s 3 : Ok .. ok .. I’m gonna studying for my final exam tonight .. I promise .. Akan ku baca buku sehingga muntah .

Foss My 2008


I will be going to this event and you guys should too . Hopefully UTeM will sponsor someone like me to go to this event . 🙂

Will attend for the day 1 only since i have my 4 other final exam papers and it still doesn’t stop me for not going to this event at all . Wish me luck and see you guys there ! 

Copy from Aizatto

FOSS.my 2008 is Malaysia’s premier Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) event. Whilst this is our first go at it, we aim for this to be an annual event bringing together professionals and enthusiasts from Malaysia, Singapore, Asia and the rest of the world for a two day grassroots driven FOSS conference.

FOSS.my is different from other events in that we focus only on FOSS and that this conference is purely non-commercial. There will be no
marketing/sales talks by vendors (we are very strict on this!) so all that is presented is FOSS goodness! Instead, vendors will be encouraged to speak on the FOSS technical aspects of their projects/tools. This approach works better as it benefits all through knowledge sharing within the community.

Do explore this website to find out more about the event, and how you can participate as a speaker, delegate, volunteer, exhibitor or

When: November 8-9th
Venue: APIIT http://foss.my/venue/
Schedule: http://foss.my/schedule/
Register: http://foss.my/register/
Volunteer: http://foss.my/volunteer/
Call For Participation: http://foss.my/call-for-participation/

Spread the Buzz: http://foss.my/buzz/

Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/fossmy/
Follow us on Identi.ca: http://identi.ca/fossmy/

Join the Facebook Event: http://www.new.facebook.com/event.php?eid=31768802826

FTMK UTeM pindah kampus bandar Part 1


Adakah FTMK akan pindah ke kampus bandar ? Apa jadi dengan bangunan FTMk yang dah nak dekat siap di Kampus Tetap Durian Tunggal ?

Status ketika entri ini ditulis : Kemungkinan besar akan pindah . I would say 80 % . Tapi masih belum muktamad .

Kisah student – student FTMk UTeM adalah seperti kisah ini . Kesian Ali dan keluarganya ( jika anda baca ). So i browse around and I found some info pasal status perpindahan ini . Jika anda join group UTeM di friendster , you can see so many speculation in the forum especially about our NC and Ali Rustam Ketua Menteri Melaka .

Sila rujuk laman blog mantan MPP UTeM mengenai isu ini di http://rajanorazrin.blogspot.com/2008/10/betul-ker-ftmk-pindah-city-kampus.html dan sini http://rajanorazrin.blogspot.com/2008/10/komen-dan-ulasan-terhadap-tulisan-soong.html

Secara umumnya ..

  • Kampus Induk Durian Tunggal akan menjadi “Engineering Campus”
  • Kampus bandar akan menjadi “Management & IT Campus”
  • Penempatan student FTMk di Emerald Park dan beberapa kecil bilangan student akan duduk di D’Apartment.
  • Penempatan tetap student FTMK di buat di tapak lama pasar besar melaka apartment 14 tingkat.
  • Kemungkinan IPTK akan produce 1 fakulti di kampus induk . ” Fakulti Teknologi Pengurusan ”

Aku masih ingat lagi petisyen yang aku tandatangani satu ketika dulu mengenai bantahan student FTMK untuk pindah ke kampus bandar . Well .. someone has been blamed for that . For now , Dekan FTMK Prof Shahrin meminta student tidak lagi membuat perkara sesuka hati tanpa persetujuan fakulti supaya tidak akan berlaku perkara yang lebih buruk .

This is suppose to be a compilation of what is happening about our beloved faculty so ask the one who provide these info and not me . I think FTMK student wants to know what is happening so thats why i brought this thing up in my blog .

Jujurnya , sebagai pelajar FTMK .. aku PAKSA RELA dengan perpindahan FTMk ke kampus bandar . Apa jadi dengan kehidupan kampus ? Dengan bangunan FTMk yang didesign sendiri ? Apa jadi dengan misi FTMK yang ingin menjadikan fakulti yang mempunyai peralatan dan makmal komputer yang tercanggih diseluruh IPTA di malaysia ?

Apa – apa pun .. jika dah takdir kami student FTMK terpaksa berpindah ke kampus bandar SELAMANYA .. please make sure kebajikan pelajar terjaga ( perkhidmatan bas , kelengkapan , cafe , etc ) . Jika bangunan FTMK yang dirancang untuk menjadi paling canggih di kampus durian tunggal diambil begitu sahaja , please make sure jadikan Kampus Bandar fakulti IT dan sains komputer yang terletak di tengah – tengah bandar yang terbaik di DUNIA .

Part 2 dan Part 3 akan menyusul kemudian setelah student FTMK telah disahkan pindah ke kampus bandar ( part 2 ) dan keadaan pelajar FTMK selepas beberapa bulan dipindahkan ke tempat tersebut ( part 3 ) . We can only pray for the best and wait . Let MPP and FICT represent FTMK students fight for our rights ..

Disclaimer : Saya hanya compile segala maklumat mengenai isu ini dan member sedikit komen . Sumber – sumber yang saya dapati adalah dari penulis – penulis blog dan individu yang menulisnya di blog dan forum jadi saya tidak bertanggung jawab jika maklumat yang mereka tulis adalah salah , tidak benar dan ada unsur – unsur lain . Lagipun , jika mereka sudah cukup dewasa untuk menulis di blog , mereka seharusnya bertanggungjawab terhadap apa yang mereka tulis .

p/s : Adding some disclaimer .. I do not want to get sue .. atau pun di buang dari UTeM . Sebab UTeM sahaja yang nak terima orang yang macam aku . Lagipun , aku sayang UTeM . How about you ?

p/s 2 : Pasal kebajikan pelajar tuh .. aku nak wifi access . unthrottled . Hope Jaring dapat provide broadband yang laju untuk kampus bandar . Dapat duit elaun / rebat minyak untuk student pun best jugak . 🙂