Membakar kek menggunakan CakePHP


Akhirnya .. cuti 4 hari aku hampir habis . aku balik ke klang sejak hari khamis sampai la ahad dan aku dah bosan buat – buat bodoh jadi aku decide untuk menambah sedikit ilmu pengetahuan PHP aku dengan mencuba PHP framework yang baru.

Aku pernah cakap di entry yang sebelumnya yang aku tidak suka akan CakePHP sebab documentation nya … well .. aku masih admit documentation x seperfect CodeIgniter tapi feature nya off course lah lagi banyak dari CodeIgniter ..

Perumpaan yang aku boleh buat . CakePHP dan CodeIgniter macam Kereta dan motorsikal.

Dua – dua adalah sejenis kenderaan (PHP framework) untuk kita gunakan supaya sampai ke satu tempat (fast development , DRY – dont repeat yourself , KISS – keep it simple stupid ).

CodeIgniter – Motorsikal , CakePHP – Kereta

Lagi senang nak belajar naik motor dari belajar naik kereta (bagi aku la) .. tapi kereta lagi banyak feature macam wiper , abs (auto-magic , bake )

Walaubagaimanapun dua – dua masih mempunyai ciri – ciri yang sama dari segi purpose .. Dua – dua ada tayar kan ? (route , helper , validation, MVC pattern)

aku masih belajar .. huhu ..

p/s: thanks to En SMD kerana solve kan aku masalah mod rewrite .. aku terlupe nak enable .. lol ..

Java Stream Course


Thanks to En Sanusi .. I might join the Java Stream Course .. oh ya . saya sgt excited bangat !

Since 3P tidak lagi offer scjp untuk UTeM akibat candidate yang sebelum ini hanya dua org jerk yang lepas .. aku sudah agak give up dengan JAVA .. tapi disebabkan ada course ini .. minat aku pada JAVA dan Android tidak akan mati begitu sahaja ..

Course ini akan diadakan betul – betul selepas habis final exam .. which mean aku balik bercuti .. dan selama dua bulan aku akan berhempas pulas datang ke special course ini ..

Kepada abang – abang senior .. sila beri tunjuk ajar .. aku seorang yang NOOB dan masih seorang pelajar diploma .. since aku sorang jerk pelajar diploma yang attend course ini ..

Kepada ex-senior aku Sapri .. dia la one of the student yang dpt scjp dan sekarang walaupon dier course BITC , dier masih meneruskan kerjayanya dengan mobile programming j2Me .. so aku harap aku bleyh dpt tunjuk ajar dari dia via YM .

jadi .. sama – samalah doakan aku berjaya lulus dengan cemerlang .. nafsu serakah aku terhadap android akan diteruskan ..

p/s: masih menanti HTC Dream yang dijangka keluar next month .. iphone boleh pergi mati .. 😛

Very Important Programmer PHP Contest Day 2


Day 2 is the contest .. All the participant has been briefed about the rules , how to submit code and etc .

Met Ezwan Aizat , the ruby on rails guy .. his head is  bald !!! his long hair is gone .. huhu .. this is the 3rd time I saw him and for the first time saw him in action .

The contest consist of 6 questions … and the question is distribute by paper and must be answer one by one ( After answering n question , only then you can answer for the n++ question)..

The first question is really so damn hard to understand .. some of the judges said you can use basic input output .. some said you grab from the database and process the output .. it’s about MLM – Multi Level Marketing calculation .. ( argh . i already traumatize with the word MLM 2 weeks ago and it chasing me more and more ) ..

Sorry .. quite lazy to write information about other question .. but hey .. I had fun !!!!

As a UTeM representative .. the fees is sponsored by UTeM , we do get allowance for entering this competition .. and in fact the food is really great .. Coke ? 100 plus ? Jajan ? cekedis ? everything got !!!

Seriously .. it’s like a programmer paradise .. munching the cekedis .. drink some coke and heat up your head to solve problems .. this is a very enjoyable moment .. To other participant .. sorry for my loud voices on the competition .. I tend to be a hyper when answering programming question .. And yeah .. I don’t mind if other participant heard what our team is talking about .. It’s all about enjoying … 🙂

The Result ?

Aizat team won the first place ..(they are from Monash University )

and other team is mostly from MMU students ..

UTeM ? only got 2 places .. 4th and 6th place ..

and Team Newbies ( i mean .. my team since you guys didn’t know ) ?

We managed to get the 4th place .. heh .. At least we still the top team representing UTeM .. :P:P:P

I think got 5 – 7 teams from UTeM .. you guys just got OWNed by Us .. hua hua hua ..


To UTeM because of the sponsors .. thanks to En Sanusi for informed us about the sponsor thingy ..

to AIST especially En Amran , K-ekonomi Crews for the contest .. the hospitality ..(  yeah .. i mean the cekedis and the coke )

to the “makcik” who prepared for the food .. breakfast .. lunch .. sedap giler !!!

to all the speakers .. all the talks is really informative ..

to others .. err .. i dunno what to say .. but we all have some fun ..

I sleep around 8 PM .. and please do not guess when I woke up .. you guys don’t wanna know ..

Mug , Trophy , Cert , Tux the Penguin

Update :

Other people that blogging about this.

Zorex –

Aizatto –

Very Important Programmer PHP Contest Day 1


VIP Banner


The Prizes

Day 1 of VIP consist of talks from various people .. Mike Reining from MindValley talking about Agile Entrepreneurship , Mr Adli from 3boss talking about Web Security , Sumardi Shukor on Takes you Online Application using Google Gears and lastly by Mr Fakhrur Hizam Mohd on Finishing your FYP in record time using CakePHP.

Speech 1 – Mike Reining – The MindValley Way: Agile Entrepreneurship

I’m using twitter to write all the points and here it goes ..

Mind Valley rules

  1. Get the right people on the bus
  2. Know What Mountain to climb
  3. Always think like a marketer
  4. Ideas do not matters. It is the execution that counts.
  5. Set big goals
  6. Know when to push and when to let go
  7. Learn to love systems, processes and numbers
  8. Work on your business not in your business
  9. Always be learning and experimenting
  10. Do what you love and love what you do

Speech 2 – Adli Abdul Wahid – Web Security

Most of the talks is about the importance of the web security . Well . I’m hoping he teach SQL Injection or XSS exploit or anything but the talk is to create the awareness among the web developers to keep security in mind.

Speech 3 – Sumardi Shukor – Google Gears – Takes Online Applications, Offline

This talk is about how to make your online application offline . I did get the concept and I also already heard about this at Barcamp Malaysia last month . The concept is that when you are offline , it will store to the local database using SQL lite and when you’re back online , it will push all the data to the web server. Pretty neat isn’t it ?

Speech 4 – Fakhrur Hizam Mohd – Finishing your FYP in record time using CakePHP

If you know that I always despise CakePHP for the lack of documentation .. well .. I Still do .. the documentation really sucks for me to understand but hey .. thanks to this speaker .. I do get the “magic” in CakePHP .. same like Ruby On Rails .. it will automatic create the sql after you create the db and BAKE the Cake . oh boy .. I do feel like going to Secret Recipe and grab some Cheese cake ..

Someday I will going to learn cakephp anyway .. not so soon enough .. I still favor CodeIgniter for the PHP Framework .. since the documentation is REALLY REALLY REALLY easy to understand and follow , the community is great , and it is really lightweight and not bloated with the features that you not always using.

So , the talk is about the possibility to create your web apps MUCH MORE FASTER using php framework and also some of the intro to the newbies about MVC pattern because in order to use the framework , user must need to know MVC ( Model , View , Controller ) approach.

Th3 C0d3 2008


8 hours before the contest

Aku masih lagi menelaah membaca buku C++ sambil melepak dgn Amir dan Nik menonton citer The Matrix .. abis jerk citer matrix nik terus balik umah dier .. dan aku masih lagi menggodek 2x di internet contoh2x soklan ..

Thanks to ecah sebab melayani aku smpai subuh .. lots of things aku  chat dgn dia .. even aku smpat kol dier .. haha .. lame seyh x bergayut ngan aweks .. Aku juga mendapat banyak wishes of luck dari member – member via YM since status aku di YM can’t be easily ignored ..

Cian pada Faizah ngan GG (senior DIT dulu) sebab tah mcm mane tidak diinform yang ada saringan dulu bagi peserta degree tahun 2. Heh .. cian mereka .. aku simpati ..

Hari pertandingan

Th3 C0D3 2008 Banner

Th3 C0D3 2008 Banner

Kul 7:40 keluar dari rumah .. Nik sempat g umah Mira amek salinan slide Cik Ida mase belajar Data Struct and Algorithm . (banyak membantu giler kertas nie .. thanks a lot myra)

Singgah di 7E membeli bekalan yang sepatutnyer .. air mineral and mentos .. dan off we go to Cubic. Selepas sesi pendaftaran .. dapat baju dan tag . ..sempat berjumpa Abang Fais yang bagi talk kat bebudak junior pasal programming .. Akhirnya sume peserta th3 C0d3 berentap ..

This year ada 7 soalan dan semuanya menggunakan standard input output unlike the last year gune .dat and txt for i/o.

Dapat soalan terus aku mintak Amir koyakkan .. dan aku dan Amir amek 2-3 soklan each dan selebihnya bagi kat nik . sementara tengah nak jawab soalan .. aku mintak nik wat hello world dulu .. tah mcm mane hello world x jalan .. tahi .. compiler bengong ..

Aku terus angkat tangan panggil Chang mintak tukar pc. Akhirnya kami duduk di hadapan group kak azlia n epool. jawab punyer jawab .. sambil discuss .. dan tidak lupe dengan gelak ketawa menjawab soalan .. i guess team aku jerk kot yang enjoy giler nk solve problem .. team lain aku tengok muke serious jerk siap urat- urat kepala keluar (unsur hiperbola disini).

Soalan yang kami dapat jawab adalah soalan yang berkaitan ngan bubble sort .. thanks kt Cik Ida sebab membuat slide show yang menarik masa ajar data struct dulu .. hahaha dan x lupe mira yang tolong printkan slide tuh .. oh yeah .. pertandingan ini adalah open book ..

Mase dah submit tuh mmg HYPER giler .. siap jerit2x . wakakaka .. pas2 terus cube nak solve question laen .. 15 minutes sebelum masa nak tamat .. aku tido .. yeah .. aku tido waktu pertandingan dijalankan akibat terlalu ngantuk dan x tido sebelum pertandingan ini .. nyesal siot .. otak pon x dpt nk concentrate nk solve question ..

Soalan lain plak ada 2-3 soklan yang dh figure out mcm mane nk buat cume stuck bab – bab nk coding . chet .. bila kau terjaga jerk .. mase dah tamat .. chet ..

Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah

selepas speech dari Prof Abu , Prof Shahrin (dekan FTMK) .. pemenang diumumkan ..

sebelum diumumkan .. memang debar giler2x r .. mane tau x dpt nk pertahankan title kategori diploma .. kalah dengan junior .. dan mmg kitaorang expect at least diploma kitaorang masih pegang .. yg overall tuh x brani nk komen ape2x ..

“Peringkat diploma .. jatuh kepada . kumpulan yang menggelarkan diri mereka .. Newbies .. ”

hohoho .. . kami menang lagi dalam kategori diploma

salam .. amek hadiah dan bergambar .. priceless moment !!!

Masa diumumkan overall .. dalam ati aku doa jangan la group aku no 3.. sbb nak dpt no 2 ke .. hehe .. (tamak seyh) ..

dan keputusan overall .. team newbies masih tempat ketiga .. macam tahun lepas .. a bit sad .. sbb mcm xder improvement .. heh ..

Apa yang kami dapat

t-shirt .. tag .. sijil .. dan duit (tah braper tah .. x hengat plak) .. dan lastly .. experience .. our wisdom is always going up ..


Sekali lagi .. terma kasih cikgu – cikgu programming aku .. Pn Mashanum n Mr Spuuh (yang sedang sambung belajar) , to Cik Ida yg ajar data struct .. Pn Zahriah (MFC) .. En Suhaizan (Web Programming) ..En Sanusi yang promote pertandingan ni ..  Sifu aku di diBase .. teammate aku yang pandai2x giler Nik dan Amir .. sbb aku tukang tido and poser jerk .. 😛

Thanks to the sponsors .. to the organiser .. and the FICTs ajk for handling the event as well to other participant .. t0p0 yang suka teasing aku mase ceremony .. mari kita nantikan th3 c0de 2009 .. dunno whether team newbies akan kembali beraksi ..


p/S : 23 and 24 August team newbies akan beraksi dalam pertandingan php programming contest a.k.a VIP (Very Important Programmer ) anjuran K-Ekonomi Inkubator Melaka dan AIST . Akan ada talks .. masuk pertandingan programming memerlukan modal RM30 .. dapat macam2x woo .. Join jangan x join