Php Encryption


I need to study more about this thing since I need to use this techniques ..

There are 2 types of encryption .

  1. One – Way Encryption
  2. Two – Way Encryption

anyway …

I need to use the 2 way encryption .. my task is very challenging . thanks to my Sifu .. he do the ugliest part .. which is searching the best class php encryption technique .. so I have to use it on my task . basically .. my job is to make a download  script . the files that user will download is somewhere in the server (not in public_html) .. and we dont want the user to know where is the link and they might guessing the other files if they know how we store the files ..

each user have diff Floor and unit as their indicator what file they can download ..

It’s quite complicated to explain since I had a hard time understanding this part too ..

heh .

// anyway .. other than work .. really looking forward this saturday and sunday ..

saturday I might going to KlCC with my Modenas Xcite .. heh .. 1st tyme masuk KL ..

and sunday .. berjumpa dengan kawan YM ..


Ruby and Ruby On Rails


After reading about Ruby … I decided to try the so called easiest programming language (they claimed .. not me ).Create in Japan by Yukihiro “matz” Matsumoto . Support  OOP and other stuff . I also watch the Ruby ad at youtube. They also claimed to have better features than php and other languages .

Lepas kena racun .. off course i try to code hello world . they have their own online compiler ..ok .. not a compiler since the language itself does not need to be compiled . anyway . i have difficulties right now to install the editor .. already searching info on how to use on windows . most of the programmers that uses this language using linux and mac .  sigh ..

Rails is like a framework for Ruby language . I’ve download a videoclip that only takes 15 minutes to build a blog system like wordpress using RUBY n Ruby on Rails . I was like .. OMG .. is this language is really in high demand to the industries or what ??

//need to learn as much as I can .

My first exp in Programming Competition UTeM The Code 2007


A day before the competition

” Nik .. Meh makan besar jap . preparation for the comp (competition) tomorrow .. ”

“lorh .. nk kena stadi ker ? aku malas ar ..aku nak main dota ”

after a lots of negotiation .. dier setuju nak join .. heh .. Amir lak sng sikit nk terima idea aku g stadi / review / brainstorming .

opss .. before that .. 6 hours earlier ..

Around 1:15 p.m. aku memonteng jumaat aku .. nk wat jama’ zohor asar psl kena balik melaka psl ada taklimat for the contestant .. sebenarnya malas nk balik tp rase mcm penting lak nk kena dgr taklimat tuh .. so i was like gelabah giler bwk motor .. bwk top 120km/h with my Elit Sport straight all the way from klang – Melaka .berhenti kt rest area seremban for fueling ..(tuh pon dalam 10 minit jerk berhenti ) pas2 around 3:20 PM smpai cubic . aku mtk amir tggu kt luar sbb dier amek matric card aku ..xkn la aku blk klang nk bwk kot kan .. heh ..

pas2 join the taklimat .. dengar taklimat by Mr Spuuh a.k.a Mr Sazalinsyah .. Puan Mashanum’s hubby .. btw Pn Mashanum is my first lecturer teach me programming when in my 1st sem. dgr la all the rules .. mmg gempak giler r..cumer mls nk elaborate kt cnie .. pas dh abis taklimat..g dwn cyber sikit psl c++ competition .. learning something about tower of hanoi .. all sorts of info baca jap utk lepaskan kecuakan dalam hati .. mmg gemuruh giler r .. agak2x kul 6 balik hostel .. (sempat gak gi library pinjam buku C++ .. ader la dalam 4 buku )

back mase ajak Nik g makan ..

aku . nik . amir ngan arif .. naik keta g makan . makan lak tetibe jerk lauk sedap . tomyam .. sayur kailan .. MEOW .. sambil tuh discuss some strategies .. erm .. x kesa la kalo nk share kt cnie sbb dh lepas pon kan .. 😛

some of the strategies .. since time constrain .. we decided to sit down for 15 minutes .. looking for all the solutions of the question .. i plan that nick must be the coder since me n amir agak pelupe sikit coding nieyh .. lagipon nik nie budak dekan .. mesti r dier lg terer .

so me n amir team up utk support nik wat coding the meantime aku wat soalan yg lain .. reading..understanding the question and solve it using the traditional method ..pencil n paper and start to write code in the paper . at least can gives nik a hand for coding process.

pas makan ..we all balik . aku n amir pulun lg buku programming tuh .. n br tau psl STL .. damn .. naper la xder previous lecturer x ajar pon psl benda tuh .. damn .. it is easy to use the template to sort .search . n doing all the data struct elements .. ceyh ..

Hari pertandingan

thx to someone for woke me up . sanggup kol 3-4 kali utk pastikan aku bangun .. thx Sha . around 8:10 berambus dari Pangsapuri Murni dan g cubic . sempat g 7E beli 3 Mentos ngan air mineral ..

mase kt MP (makmal pengaturcaraan) .. aku g toilet 3 kali .. 2 kali yg mule2x tuh x keluar paper . huhu .. last baru keluar .. keluar apa ? keluar XXX laaaaaaaa….

basuh muke puas2x . tyme tuh mmg sgt2x nervous .. my team dpt MP4 . MP yg ujung skali .. mase last tyme masuk MP4 mase register subjek tahun 1 (mase mule2x masuk dulu) … heh .. bring back the memories ..

dpt soalan dari Mr Spuuh . bile bace soalan .. I’m swearing a lot ~!!!! yeah .. a lot ..the question is so HARD ..really hard .. using the strategies .. and asking a lots of question to judges .. and by receiving penalties from them . ada question suruh wat encryption .. kire tahun leap year with some several exceptions .. test case question .. counting all the vocals vowel word and also sort the answer .. n yeah .. all the question must use input output file . (input : .dat ; output: .txt)

Finally .. mase last ceremony .. we beat our seniors .. huhu .. kategori diploma di tangan kami !!! padahal 2 team jerk diploma ..ceyh .. Mr spuuh suruh ajak teammates .. aku pon wave tgn aku ajak ke depan amek hadiah .skali hadiah aku jerk patut amek .yg laen tuh kategori lain .. hua hua .. wat malu jerk .. anyway 2dit telah mengalah 3dit .. tuh yg penting .. RM200 dlm tangan ..kcing ..
Tyme borak2x ngan nik psl x caye menang skali team NOObies diumumkan sbg tmpt ketiga overall . i was like .. HUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? WTF ??? camner leyh menang ?

since kitaorang dok blakang skali .. ramai gak r pandang .. aku teragak2x nk amek psl x caye menang .. then aku ajak skali 3 amek .. smpt bergambar dgn dekan .. salam tangan ngan dekan pon 2 kali .. mmg teruja giler r .. agagaga .. 😛

TQ to ALLAH SWT . to my parents .. my programming lecturers .. Pn Mashanum .. Cik Ida .. Miss Zahriah .. the sponsors .. Mr Spuuh n big thanks to Nik n Amir for being a great teammate ..sharing my dreams ..

//mase balik aku heppy giler nk mati .. rasa cam nk terbang jerk ..muke gembire x terhingga .. dan sempat gak jumpe Sha kt MC .. huhu … she was like ..
“Kalo rasa nk terbang sangat tuh pergi la terjun bangunan ”

.. hoho ..

Programming Competition


Finally . This is my first time participate in programming event . And tomorrow .. I will be meeting LYN programmers codemaster thread ..hopefully i can prepare mentally n physically .

About my holiday .. I wish i can update but there are some other important things that I must do now . Wish me all the best will ya ..

I will not forget y i choose UTeM to become a programmer .