Javascript Framework anyone !?


Right now I am so amazed by the effects that can be done using javascript .. and yeah .. I got problems with the languages even I already couples of times .. maybe lack of practices .. and sometimes I even forgot the syntax itself .

Rather than just studying hard and coded it hard by learning back the javascript .. i would rather making the javascript effects using Javascript framework .

As you all know .. being assigned to make Pesta Konvo website for UTeM is really gives me a huge headache .. since I’m not good with designing things .. and after seeing the website .. i seem to CURSE myself for making a bad website .. Not so attractive . and so-so design .. (Memalukan UTeM .)

I spend like 2-3 days learning ajax (again !) and after giving up using Prototype .. I learn Jquery .. since it is so lightweight ..  so by learning the effects .. i decide to revamp the “Aktiviti” page . and now u got the sliding effects .. well . it’s not fair calling it ajax since i only use javascript .. no xml .. no httpxml request . no effects .. so I think I should learn javascript back !

And somehow it reminds me about MOO fx .. the javascript framework and it’s kinda popular to wordpress theme coder nowadays .. so I tried to learn it .. and it got so much effects than Jquery .. yeah .. no ajax ..only plain javascript .. can use ajax but soo much line to coded ..

After this .. I learn my lesson .. IF and only IF i got chances to do any website .. I would make it very slick .. more effects using javascript .. more readable .. and more user friendly .. hopefully ..

Thx to someone at MPP for giving me this jobs .. At least it gives me “something to do” for my holiday . sigh ..

Mari Belajar Java


Urm .. sekarang aku sibuk nak belajar JAVA .. Tapi yg peliknya aku dh puas membelek tutorial Hello World utk Java .. har har

agak malas nk mule .. try mtk notes dari Senior aku .. x luper carik kt web java dan portal ftmk . Aku main try jerk subscribe subjek OOP utk course degree dan aku dpt ler notes utk java .. baru aku tau .. bebudak degree blaja c++ kejap jerk n terus byk belajar JAVA .. kire blaja OOP gune JAVA .. bagi aku agak teruk ler gak .. tp syntax lebeyh kurang jerk ..

Skrg lak .. cbuk nk install IDE JAVA  .. yang feymes org pakai netbeans .. kalo power user utk linux .. diorang akan pakai eclipse . open source lg tuh .. so aku x kesa mane2x .. tp rasenyer aku nak pakai netbeans .. sbb name dier klaka .. cam MR Bean . 😛

Try install Eclipse .. well berjaya tp xleyh nk run .. hurm . pening aku .. biler nk install netbeans dier mtk SDK .. rupe2x nyer aku kena install lg benda .. iaitu SDK .. pas2 download -dalam 5 minit .. aku install SDk pas2 try install netbeans baru lepas ..

Biler dh abis instal meng install tah ape2x tah .. baru aku try nk wat hello world .. sekadar nak belajar .. huhu .. skali leyh gak . adoi fenink aku ..

I guess I need someone to help me !!!

OSK Project


After I emailed the answer (OSK Project) about 5 a.m in the morning with Amir , I get this email around 10 a.m by my OSK (Organisasi Senibina dan Struktur Komputer) lecturer Pn Haniza Nahar .

She reply my email and leads to another hyperlink which is in eftmk portal (where all UTeM students taking their notes online as well participate in forum / chat and send assignments).

And wallaweyh !!!!!!!!!!!!

# — Copy from the Portal –#

Projek DITS 1133

Contoh aturcara yang baik

Cadangan / komen:

– Aturcara dibawah masih boleh diperbaiki dengan mengambilkira operasi penolakan nombor kecil kepada nombor besar. Cth: 2-4 = -2. Dimana simbol negatif dipaparkan dan nilai 2 dikeluarkan setelah di toggle semula nilai akhir pengiraan menggunakan kod operasi NEG.

– Aturcara tersebut juga boleh diperkembangkan lagi untuk hasil akhir pengiraan yang melibatkan lebih dari satu digit. Cth: 3 x 6 = 18. Dimana melibatkan 2 lokasi paparan 7 segmen.


; This is the first program to run on IDE68K

; Author: Hassan Abu Bakar(Team Leader)

; Arif Affendi Che Hamid (Team Members)

; Noraqma Hidayah Ab Rahman (Team Members)

; Khairunnisa Kamaruddin (Team Members)

org $4000 ; start of program (>= $4000)

lea text1,A0 ; get address of text string in A0

trap #15

dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)

lea text2,A0 ; get address of text string in A0

trap #15

dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)

trap #15

dc.w 6 ; get decimal value from I/O window

move D0,D1

lea text3,A0 ; get address of text string in A0

trap #15

dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)

trap #15

dc.w 6 ; get decimal value from I/O window

move D0,D2

move D2,D3 ; copy value in D2 to D3

move D2,D4 ; copy value in D2 to D4

move D2,D5 ; copy value in D2 to D5

add D1,D3 ; add value in D1 and D3

sub D1,D4 ; sub value in D1 and D4

muls D1,D5 ; multiple value in D1 and D5

MOVE.L #$3F065B4F,$5000 ; move values 0-3 into memory location start with location 5000

MOVE.L #$666D7D07,$5004 ; move values 4-7 into memory location start with location 5004

MOVE.W #$7F6F,$5008 ; move values 8&9 into memory location start with location 5008

MOVE #$5001,A0 ; store value 5001 in A0

label MOVE.B (A0)+,D6

sub #$1,D3

BNE label

MOVE.B D6,$E017

lea text4,A0 ; get address of text string in A0

trap #15

dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)

MOVE #$5001,A0

label2 MOVE.B (A0)+,D6

sub #$1,D4

BNE label2

MOVE.B D6,$E017

lea text5,A0 ; get address of text string in A0

trap #15

dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)

MOVE #$5001,A0

label3 MOVE.B (A0)+,D6

sub #$1,D5

BNE label3

MOVE.B D6,$E017

lea text6,A0 ; get address of text string in A0

trap #15

dc.w 7 ; call system function 7 (print string)

; string to print, string ends with NULL

text1 dc.b ‘Please input two numbers :’,$0A,$0D,0

text2 dc.b ‘Input 1 :’,$0A,$0D,0

text3 dc.b ‘Input 2 :’,$0A,$0D,0

text4 dc.b ‘Hasil tambah 2 nilai adalah:’,$0A,$0D,0

text5 dc.b ‘Hasil tolak 2 nilai adalah:’,$0A,$0D,0

text6 dc.b ‘Hasil darab 2 nilai adalah:’,$0A,$0D,0

TAHNIAH.. cubaan aturacara yang baik!!!

Pn Haniza

# — End Copy –#

Wahaha .. bangga SIOT ..

Parking System


This small programs is a parking management .

Using linked list . Got several flaws but I will continue to patch em up (If I have mood la . hehe).

Team : oDiN , Areef , Bulat , Bear

Download Here