

Just bought iklan-kerja.com last week . Just some experiment I want to do with wordpress + SEO. Most of the time people like to complain there is not enough job out there and I believe there is job for those who try harder.

I still remember when I decide to purse IT as my career .. at that time there is too many “graduan IT” menganggur so I tend to look for IT / Programming jobs. Most the posts I take from lowyat.net and paste it there ( with backlinks off course ) .

Eksiden Motor Sebab Minyak Tumpah


Seperti biasa rutin mingguan aku .. aku akan naik motor klang – melaka .. cuma pada hari ini malang tidak berbau sebab terlibat dengan kemalangan kecil.

Masa aku dah sampai dekat dengan flyover untuk turun masuk ke PLUS (sebelum exit nilai) dari Elite .. masa tu tengah corner dan aku nampak ada minyak atas jalan … jauh kedepan dah ada lori terbabas tepi divider belah kiri.

Disebabkan lori tu dah occupy jalan belah kiri aku terpaksa ke kanan .. dalam keadaan yang tgh panik aku dah budget aku akan jatuh sebab jalan terlalu licin dan corner yang terpaksa aku amek .. so aku decide untuk brek dan jatuh di bahagian kanan jalan untuk elakkan dari terlanggar bontot lori.

Lepas dah jatuh sliding aku terus bangun dan pergi ke arah kiri bahu jalan .. sebab aku tahu kalau aku stay lagi for sure aku kena langgar dengan lori dan kereta yang ada di belakang aku ..

Cepat-cepat aku lambai lori belakang supaya perlahan sebab aku nak kene angkat motor aku .. tapi sebab dia x sempat .. habis motor aku kena langgar dan box belakang motor aku terbukak dan tercampak di bahu jalan sebelah kanan ..

Lepas tu ada lori 1 lagi yang dari belakang sempat berhenti dan tolong aku untuk alihkan motor .. tak sampai 2 minit dah ada peronda lebuhraya datang untuk letak kon kecemasan dan kawal lalulintas .. sempat jugak diorang tanya aku ok ke x.. dan terus pergi ke lori yang dah eksiden di hadapan ..

Aku sempat snap few pictures .. dengan kaki aku yang rasa agak sakit .. aku try start motor dan terus gerak ke melaka .. dah sampai melaka aku mintak officemate teman aku untuk admit ke Hospital Pantai Ayer Keroh ..

p/s : Jangan scroll ke bawah kalau tengah makan .. 🙂

Gambar waktu eksiden 26 March 2012





Gambar kat Hospital Pantai Ayer Keroh pada hari yang sama





Keesokan harinya



Dapat MC seminggu >.<

Gambar lutut 14 April 2012



Using Oracle in CakePHP 2.0


Update 22 May 2012
I just check with CakePHP 2.1.2 and it works fine. I also update some of the library and hopefully you guys can also contribute . https://bitbucket.org/odin88/cakephp-2.0-oracle

One of the clients where I work at is using Oracle 9i. We are still using CakePHP 1.3 for that project.The reason we still using the 1.x version because there is no support for Oracle database.

So i took some initiative to make it work. Mind you this is not using Oracle PDO because as you can see in this website they stated that it is still experimental.

I grab CakePHP 2.0.5 and add this database config

	public $default = array(
		'datasource' => 'Database/Oracle',
		'driver' => 'oracle',
		'connect' => 'oci_pconnect',
		'persistent' => false,
		'host' => 'ip_address',
		'login' => 'username',
		'password' => 'password',
		'database' => 'ip_address:1521/test',
		'prefix' => '',
		'schema' => 'schema_name'

Create Oracle.php and put inside /lib/Cake/Model/Datasource/Database

U can copy the contents from oracle datasource from CakePHP 1.3 or just download from here.

in line 20 i put App:uses

App::uses('DboSource', 'Model/Datasource');

Rename the class name from

class DboOracle extends DboSource {


class Oracle extends DboSource {

And now we need to hack the core by just commenting line 650 and 661 DboSource.php located in /lib/Cake/Model/Datasource.

			//if ($this->hasResult()) {
				$first = $this->fetchRow();
				if ($first != null) {
					$out[] = $first;
				while ($item = $this->fetchResult()) {
					if (isset($item[0])) {
					$out[] = $item;

The reason we comment $this->hasResult() is because the method is checking whether we are using PDOStatement or not .

	public function hasResult() {
		return is_a($this->_result, 'PDOStatement');

// It is better to just override the function hasResult() in Oracle.php and return true;

function hasResult()
  return true;

So far I have tested functions like find(‘first’) and find(‘all’) and so far so good .. I will post any updates whether the Stored Procedure is working or not.
Enjoy ..

Update on 22 May 2012 – The stored procedure works fine 🙂

p/s : This tutorial is requested by @jose_zap so I try my best to explain. ^_^

Learn HTML5 at Microsoft Malaysia For Free !


The event is on saturday 17 December 2011. Register here at facebook event here or go to Sifoo page UReka for more info. You can get free T Shirt as well (first come first serve).

Copy from UReka :

“Experience the new HTML 5”
Web Matrix // Metro Style Design

Objektif : Mendedahkan penggunaan HTML 5 dalam pembangunan laman web serta diselitkan beberapa topik lain seperti “Metro Style Design”, “Web Matrix” dan lain-lain.

Anjuran: Microsoft & Sifoo.com

# Tentatif
08.30 – 09.30 : Breakfast
09.30 – 10.30 : HTML 5 by Walter Wong
10.30 – 11.30 : Metro Design by Daqing
11.30 – 13.00 : Lunch
13.00 – 13.30 : HTML 5 by LV
13.30 – 14.00 : Web Matrix by Seok Chern
14.00 – 14.30 : Window Azure by Hoong Fai
14.30 – 14.45 : Break
14.45 – 15.15 : IE 9 Top Sites by Matthew
15.15 – 15.45 : Q&A and Prize Presentation.

# Yuran Penyertaan

# Cenderamata
Kami akan menyediakan t-shirt, “goodies”, dan sebagainya

Sila tempah kehadiran anda sekarang. Tempat adalah terhad.

atau email informasi anda seperti dibawah ke syacz@yahoo.com

Nama Penuh:
No. Kad Pengenalan:
No. Telefon:
Alamat Emel:
Saiz t-shirt: S/M/L/XL/XXL

Senarai nama peserta akan dikemaskini dari semasa ke semasa.inflatable water slide hire

Sila hubungi pengelola dibawah untuk sebarang pertanyaan
Syacz – 60122801358
Imran – 60192625156

Too bad I cannot join because I have Infosys Alumni at Intekma Shah Alam .. It’s been 2 years after my Infosys training at Kings Hotel Melaka .. Hopefully I can meet my friends there.