Ada apa dengan Joomla! ?


Joomla is one of the best CMS out there .. tapi kalau nak lawan tahap customizations .. aku rasa MODx menang .. tapi ada sebab Joomla ni faveret CMS di kalangan orang kt Malaysia nie . Salah satu nya .. banyak module dan plugin leyh diinstall .. dan agak senang ..

3 bulan lepas .. aku rasa nak test market Joomla .. itupon masa pergi Silverlight Workshop anjuran Sifoo .. aku ternampak sorang brader yang agak2x mcm dh berumur sikit pakai baju Joomla malaysia . Dari situ baru aku tahu kt malaysia dh ada komuniti Joomla .

Terigt plak kisah kt satu forum nie kt friendster (nama group x yah la bagitau .. x penting ) . Aku cakap pendapat aku tentang demam Joomla yang menular smpai terlalu fanatik dan off course ASX bagi jugak pendapat dia smpai orang lain ingat kami sedang berperang padahal discussion yang sihat jerk .. Xder pon carut2x atau sikap x respek dengan pendapat orang lain . Well .. x demokrasi la mcm nie discuss “serious matter” kat forum yang sesuai tapi kena kutuk .. last2x disebabkan aku ni orang luar .. aku pon blah dari forum tuh ..

Semalam .. kalau aku x dapat tido .. aku akan baca tutorial .. manusia yang berotak lemah macam aku nie kena la selalu stadi .. so tutorial nak buat template untuk Joomla yang aku dah lama aku tinggalkan (stuck kat XML file .. ) pon aku dh x hengat kt mane aku bace . So i ask several ppl . malangnya x ramai yang reti buat template . diorang tau install jerk plugin . kire user biasa la ..

Forum macam Joomla-My dan Joomla Malaysia dah lama aku selongkar tapi baca pon macam nak x nak . Semalam aku start baca tutorial satu persatu . Patut la dpt banyak award .. macam2x Joomla boleh buat .

Entri seterusnya aku akan campak link untuk tutorial yang aku suka . Matlamat aku .. sekurang – kurangnya reti applykan template untuk Joomla dan kalo dh power sikit nak buat module / component sendiri (keep dreaming .. )

Anda tidak kenal pengasas PHP ?


Terjumpa artikel nie

Mengisahkan seseorang interviewer meng interview beberapa programmer dan mereka tidak tahu siapa yang mencipta or should I say pengasas programming language yang mereka ingin digunakan untuk kerjaya mereka .

It’s like anda apply kerja di Microsoft di bahagian Windows atau di Apple sebagai Macintosh developer tetapi anda tidak kenal siapa Bill gates atau Steve Jobs ..

My opinion .. well .. programming language is not just a language .. you make a living out of it . so by at least know the name of the founder it’s not just too hard .

Do read their comments on that blog .. every one has a point to argue .. again .. above statement is my opinion .. from a ‘SENGAL” programmer ..

//sorry for the striking title 😛

My First Android Program


Thanks for my sifu for letting me lend Java Tutorial Book .

Reading it for about 2 hours (pening + swearing a lot) ..

just kidding .. 😛

the book is really for a beginner like me who already did some minor programming and noob in JAVA .

So I know the versions of JAVA , what do I need before i start doing a JAVA program , JDK , .class , .java , compiler , editor , JRE etc etc .. and I’m doing a first Android Program . It is just a Hello World but I only learn how to install and copy and pasting codes . 😛

Downloading all the tools that I need takes around 2 hours (downloading something else actually , the new Ubuntu , Fedora 9 cd and dvd .. just want to stock up my collection of linux cd’s ).

JDK .. done

Eclipse .. done ..

SDK .. Done ..

Installing JDK , extracting the Eclipse and the Android SDK ..

configuring the ADT for Eclipse .. and again download some new updates for Android Development ..

Try to code by watching Dan Morrill Android’s Tutorial but got no luck with that . I try this and it works like a charmed ..

for sure after my industrial training .. I’m going to learn more about this .. for now .. let just concentrate on my work , my side project and learning CI and MODx . 🙂

Links :

Android Dev Forum

Another Tutorial

Droid Draw – Making GUI’s for Android

VSO Image Resize


I can’t find any FREE and GOOD image resizer software for my vista machine . After went through a lot with pakcik google , i found this software .

Already using it for a month . This software doing the job that I want . Resize a large collection of image (without need to use any image editor like Photoshop and resize it one by one ) . You can specify the resolution , and have some setting like you want to replace it with the original or create a new one with a prefix name .

So , if you are a web developer and having vista as your work machine , this is a must software for your work (well .. at least for me .. )


VSO Image Resizer