Ruby On Rails at MMU Cyberjaya


Copy from here :

Date: 13th December 2007 (Thursday)
Time: 7:15 pm – 9:15 pm
Venue: FIT AR 0004 (Linux Computing Lab 1)

Mr. Kamal Fariz, Lead Software Developer of Ruby on Rails Sdn. Bhd.

About Kamal Fariz:
Mr. Kamal Fariz is the current Lead Software Developer at RSB Cyberjaya, doing Ruby on Rails development. Previously he was working at Accenture. He is also a founder of the Malaysian Ruby Brigade and participant of several competitions, in which he and his team won several notable placing. He is also a speaker at the Malaysian Government Open Source Conference (MyGOSSCON) 2007.

Development Tools:
– Linux, Fedora Core 5
– Ruby on Rails

Rails is released under the MIT license. Ruby under the Ruby License.

Projects/Websites done using Ruby on Rails:

ROR – Ruby On Rails

I can’t believe that I’m actually attending that workshop .. after askin my permission from my boss to leave earlier (around 6 P.M) .. i went to cyberjaya with confidence .. somewhere near hicom (dekat proton tuh) . hujan lebat gler .. so I have to turn back all the way to Klang .. to my hse .. tukar motor .. dari naik kapchai .. i naik Elegan my father ..luckily dier x pakai since dier pakai keta wira g keje ..siap2x pakai baju ujan .. and full throttle to cyberjaya ..

Around 7:20 .. smpai kt Cyberia smarthome .. Kol bro Sabau .. tp dier x angkat lak kol Nazri .. dier kater cube kol balik .. sbb br bgn tido .. ahahaha .. kantoi . mklumlah .. running company sendiri .. bos sendiri ..kuli pon sendiri . konferm la bz .. aku yg kuli nie pon pecah kepala .. err . enough babbling .. dier kol balik cellphone aku and bg direction ke opisnyer

Dh smpai .. solat jap dan terus ke lab .. mase sampai dh start .. the first guy yg aku mmg perasan gler ..adalah AIZAT !!!

Aku panggil aizatto .. hoho .. [err .. aku bukan gay] . cume aku dh bace blog dier couple of months ago . dier nie mmg penggiat open source .. teringin nk jadi cam dia (dier speaking fluent gler ) .. usaha aku ke dalam linux berbuah sedikit .. tp aku skrg nk mac lak .. haha 😛 –Salam racun aku .. –

anyway .. lot’s of things i learn .. concept of MVC – model , view , controller .. DRY concept (dont repeat yourself) ..

using a framework is easier .. since I have used one .. at least i know the difference ..

I ask several question about scale in ROR (it’s tedious).. and what good  IDE in Windows platform (they suggest netbeans and eclipse) .. since I dont have MAC .. off course .. they use textmate when they demo the capabilities of ROR .. hey aizat .. if u do read my blog .. i want the pic that u snapped using ur nokia e61i .. 🙂

after the workshop .. Sabau show me some demo on CakePHP .. to me .. err .. It’s quite easy than ROR since I already know php .. I have problem remembering more syntax .. eventhough ruby is an easy language .. but I do need some time to actually feel comfortable using ROR (new syntax ) .. other reason is because ruby have to use ruby server .. so . u have to actually have a VPS (virtual private server) hosting .. or maybe a pure ruby server (ade ke ? ) .. it;s kinda hard to find one .. therefore . i stick to php ..

other than new language .. new framework .. new concept (MVC and DRY) … 1st tyme dtg cyber sendiri and masuk MMU cyber . smpat gak g makan kt kafe diorang .. argh . beshnyer . oh . xlupe . banyak awek comei2x . hehe

Mase nak balik . x reti nk ikot balik jalan mase datang . so .I end up ke serdang .. lalu highway sg besi .. arah ke klcc . then .. ke Balakong .baru jumpe highway kesas lak .. heh .. demn .. buang mase cenggitu jerk ..

the whole is experience is PRICELESS ..

thanks to Malaysia Ruby Brigade ! 🙂

REKA at KLCC by Sifoo n Microsoft


Arinie aku rase sangat penat .

Pagi2x (around 9) aku bertolak ngan Ridhuan naik kete dier g KTM stesen .. Mase dh park keta baru jerk KTM lalu .. argh .. kena tunggu lagi 20 minit .. damn

Smpai kart Kl Sentral dalam 10 : 30 . Sempat Jumpe kawan FS .. dier dari UITM dungun pergi UITM Shah Alam sbb ada short course .. Berjumpe jgk akhirnya .. kalo x berbalas comment jerk .. hehe .. tyme tuh dier on d way nk g Genting ..

Jumpe borak dan say hi jerk selama 2 minit . sbb aku rushing nk g KLCC sbb dh lambat gler

Smpai KLCC .. aku sesat .. aku try kol one of the Sifoo Crew ..MrPsycho .. pas dpt direction .akhirnya dpt la gak jumpe tmpt nk g naik lif tuh .. bagi IC .. meet new friends .. smpat kt tmpt tuh .. jumpe jugak web host aku .. Abg Nazri .. hehe .

nk dkt setahun dibawah flavert .. akhirnya dapat gak berjumpa .. cumer sll kaco kt YM jerk .. dier la yang ajak PSP for Quran (Project RAISE ) tp ntah camne aku lak bz dan xder mase nk study API homebrew ..

anyway .. lepas keynote dari Sifoo . the fun begins .. this is actually first time join event2x camnieyh .. even aku nie ske kutuk microsoft .. (sbb IE6 x ikot standard je eyh .. ) .. aku g la jgk kan .. hehe . dpt t-shirt free. makan free . saper xnk .?

I learn a lot . tp tyme sbb event dier sgt lame smpai aku terlelap ..

smpt gak bergmbr .. hehe


Me in the middle ..between bro Sabau n Nazri

dh abis sumer .. amek t-shirt .. say bye bye .. dan terus ke PC Fair .. tyme nih aku hangin giler .. penat gler mencari mane both CREATIVE .. heh .. ruperny2x kt tmpt 2nd last .. dh la penat gler naik . last2x turun .. kt tingkat ground floor ..

aku dh tau ape yg aku nk . cume aku disappoint jerk la dgn kaler dier . kaler putih hijau .. terpaksa amek bekas dier kaler hitam .. akhirnya I’m a proud owner of Creative Zen V Plus .. RM299 .. + Charger sbb ada offer RM19 ..

abis . ter over budget lak ..

pas2 balik ler .. g KL central

mase tuh kul 7 suku .. skali ada announcement KTM arah ke Klang ditangguhkan .. argh . .damn ..

last2x mtk parents aku amek aku kt Bukit Badak since ada BBQ kt umah boss dier .. so layankan ajerk makanan kt ctuh .. mmg berselara aku NGAP .. pasal lapar gler nk mati ..

//maaf . gaya penulisan seperti seorang NOOB yang baru nk tulis blog . heh ..

anyway . thanks to Sifoo .. Microsoft . .Abg Nazri . and lastly .. to my parents .

cian Ridhuan tunggu aku abis event tuh . last2x dier balik dulu ..

EDIT on 11 December :

add some new links .. when i re-read my post here .. it’s quite lame since I didn’t post what I learn from this event (other than free T-shirt , free lunch and new friends that is .. 😛 )

Rohan Thomas blog (one of the microsoft representative ) .. Thanks to you SIR for welcoming us with an open arms !

Microsoft Silverlight – make sure u download those plugins to enjoy silverlight

Popfly – I already tried it before coming to this event (thanks to PC Mag) .. It’s just that I dunno how to make full use of this site. .heh ..

Check out Sifoo thread about this event here for more info .. thanks to all for the pics .. hehe

will be updated l8er ..

BTW .. i have some minor problems with silverlight .. when i view in firefox .. it blocks the pop up automatically .. hopefully .. firefox know that is a pop up that I WANT TO VIEW or maybe it’s not a firefox fault .. herm .. I wonder who can be blame for this .. heh ..

Php Encryption


I need to study more about this thing since I need to use this techniques ..

There are 2 types of encryption .

  1. One – Way Encryption
  2. Two – Way Encryption

anyway …

I need to use the 2 way encryption .. my task is very challenging . thanks to my Sifu .. he do the ugliest part .. which is searching the best class php encryption technique .. so I have to use it on my task . basically .. my job is to make a download  script . the files that user will download is somewhere in the server (not in public_html) .. and we dont want the user to know where is the link and they might guessing the other files if they know how we store the files ..

each user have diff Floor and unit as their indicator what file they can download ..

It’s quite complicated to explain since I had a hard time understanding this part too ..

heh .

// anyway .. other than work .. really looking forward this saturday and sunday ..

saturday I might going to KlCC with my Modenas Xcite .. heh .. 1st tyme masuk KL ..

and sunday .. berjumpa dengan kawan YM ..


Yahoo Messenger Beta 9.0


Right now i’m using Yahoo Messenger beta 9.0 replacing the old ones ..

Actually .. baru perasan Abdus Salam gune .. huhu

So .. saje la gatal tangan nak try ..

erm ..asal la lag semacam .. more features tp agak lag .. dan kurang stabil ..

still ada problem (dgn invisible mode .. tp aku ajrang invisible .. huhu )

overall .. dont install it if u dont want to destroy ur pc .. *just kidding .. 😛 *

Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Gran Paradiso


yeah yeah ..

it’s still in alpha version ..

but saje gatal tangan nak install .. sbb i like firefox than IE .. since firefox ada plugin yang sgt best .. and . it’s fast !

comment bout the 3rd version .. i notice it’s more faster .. rendering dier dh lain .. mmg improve .. u can read the review at cnet and other place .. bler tgk site tuh pon . ada bug yang bagi aku x braper penting sgt .. so far pakai ok jerk ..

hopefully .. x jadik mcm ie6 .. menyebabkan aku kena check compatible ker x with different browser .. firefox , mozilla , opera dan safari x banyak songeh sangat kalao pakai div and other stuff .. mostly the same .. tp biler tgk kt ie6 ..n kadang2x ie7 .. mmg sakit hati ..

if u dont want to risk ur pc .. jgn install .. aku install pon kt virtual pc .. tunggu jerk la final version eyh ..
